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How to Pack and Organize a Storage Unit

Moving is a busy and at times stressful season. But it doesn’t have to be! Our team of moving experts here at Marsik Movers believes that moving doesn’t have to be a huge ordeal. With adequate prepping, packing, and organized storage, your relocation can pass with minimal stress.

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Apartment Moving Tips

When it comes to moving into a new apartment, the earlier you start this process, the easier it will be. Whether you are moving across the country or down the street, we have narrowed down some tips and hacks to help you prepare, pack and move into your new apartment with ease.

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Moving day in Bellevue. What You Need To Know

If you have done any sort of moving in Bellevue area, then you know that during moving day, there is a lot going on! With the movers coming to the house, getting set up, and starting to pad up your furniture and then load it, it won’t leave you much time to get much done other than directing them.

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Home Maintenance For New Homeowners

There have been a lot of new homeowners over the past few years. Just how many are we talking about? According to a report from Genworth Mortgage Insurance, from 2017 to 2019, more than 2 million homes were sold to first-time buyers each year.

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