Mercer Island was incorporated on July 18, 1960 and operates with a council-manager form of government. Seven City Councilmembers are chosen during at-large, non-partisan elections to serve four-year terms. From among their seven-member body, the City Council members elect a Mayor to serve a two-year term. The Mayor and City Council appoint a City Manager to act as the Chief Executive Officer of the City and be responsible for the administration of City policies. The City Manager reports directly to the Council and carries out their policies.
There are a variety of boards and commissions including the Arts Council, Civil Service Commission, Design Commission, Disability Board, Open Space Conservancy Trust, Parks & Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, and Utility Board. All the boards assist in the formulation of policy and direction for the City. The Council is vitally interested in hearing the voices of all residents and in increasing community involvement.
The day-to-day activities of the City are carried out by twelve City departments. Click on a department for more information.

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